This is your “Virtual High Street” where there is a place for everything and everybody.
Sell your Home on The High Street with OHS PROPERTY SHOP
“Bringing you the best of what Oakham, Uppingham, Stamford and the Greater Rutland area have to offer, all in one convenient and easy to navigate location – Oakham High Street – your events, adverts, services and information all here all of the time online & local”
Rutland is Open for Business
Wherever you are and whatever you do promote it on “The High Street” from only £1 per week
Oakham High Street supports the local communities and saves you money

Listen Live to the New RUTLAND & STAMFORD SOUND – you are 1 click away from great sounds
Wiltshire Farm Foods are now on the Oakham High Street

Contact us TODAY to secure your place on “THE HIGH STREET”
You can now advertise your unwanted items on The High Street in our “Stuff” for sale listings
Oakham High Street 2023 – Your Virtual High Street