Tick Gaiters & Tick Removal
Jagensport Tick Gaiters and Tick Removal Keys – Essential Items for the Outdoors

This minute creature can in extreme circumstances kill you and they are everywhere in this country. Some of them carry Lyme Disease and some have now been identified as carrying TBE or Tick Borne Encephalitis.
There are simple ways of protecting yourself from them and of removing them from yourself or your pets if they do become attached.

We have used these gaiters now for many years in the USA, the UK and Europe and have never had a tick get through or under them on to our lower legs, we can personally recommend them 100%
These Gaiters will without doubt “Seal Your Pants” and are better than those supplied by Midway or “Ole Man” They are used by Forestry professionals, Farmers, Hikers and Hunters worldwide.
If put on top of your Wellies or high top boots they will also stop straw, hay and other debris getting down your boots and into your house.

You may think why do I need a Tick Removal Key if I use your Tick Gaiters ? Well sometimes when you are in the outdoors you often have to spend time “not on your feet” or you brush against plants above your knee and ticks can get on to your clothes then work their way to your skin in all sorts of places !!
The above Tick Key is by far the quickest, safest and most efficient way of removing Ticks for all parts of the human body as well as from pets, they also make great presents for anyone who ventures outdoors.
You need Protection from Lyme disease and TBE (Tick–borne encephalitis) This is serious stuff which can kill you or change your life forever.
Tick Gaiter & Tick Key Website
We are here to simply highlight the Tick Prevention Items that we use in the Great Outdoors on a daily basis as: Farmers, Foresters, Hunters and Hikers we recommend and supply these because they work, it’s that simple !!
Not only do they work to keep Ticks out but also stop straw and other debris getting in, so pop some on the tops of your wellies and “No More Straw or Hay in your House”.
UK & Europe £25 – Worldwide £28 (contact us for US$ or other prices) They are “One size fits most” adults contact us to order price includes shipping in UK, other countries will be extra.
For full details of the Tick Gaiter and Tick Removal Key plus information on Lyme Disease and TBE visit www.tickgaiter.com you can also order these items through the Tick Gaiter website or by the contact us page
Tick Gaiters and Tick Removal Keys – Oakham High Street