Oakham Town Market

What & Who is on the Oakham Market – Wednesdays & Saturdays


Oakham Town Market which is held every Wednesday & Saturday in and around the historic town square has a great range of local produce as well as many other stalls offering things from Fresh Fish to Puzzles, Scarves & Hats, Fresh Bread, a good selection of Fruit & Vegetables and lots of other interesting stuff, so there is a great variety to chose from.

There are also Great Markets in Uppingham and Stamford every Friday

Listed below (as they join us) are the details of those stalls and there proprietors.

For more details on the Oakham & Uppingham Markets click on this link to their Facebook pages

If you would like space on the Oakham or Uppingham Town Markets please contact Nigel on: 07595 155607

Oakham Farmers Market which is run by the Oakham Town Partnership is also a great market to visit. It is held on the 3rd Saturday of every month in Goal Street and has stalls that will delight you and your taste buds. For more information visit the Farmers Market Facebook page.

If you would like a stall on the Farmers Market please email the Market Manager on: townpartnership@outlook.com

Oakham & Uppingham Town & Farmers Markets on Rutland’s Virtual High Street

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